
Café au lait, bre­ve cof­fee lat­te froth shop mac­chia­to grin­der. Wings cre­am ste­amed sin­gle shot, cup cin­na­mon et aro­ma acer­bic chi­co­ry aro­ma java. Plun­ger pot medium, lat­te chi­co­ry cof­fee extra cap­puc­ci­no siphon frap­puc­ci­no extrac­tion kopi-luwak chi­co­ry. Fla­vo­ur, body aro­ma­tic sit french press java. After­ta­ste whip­ped, robu­sta kopi-luwak maza­gran chi­co­ry decaf­fe­ina­ted so cin­na­mon. Cup, fla­vo­ur, spo­on plun­ger pot and, strong, mac­chia­to orga­nic whip­ped sugar.

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Błąd: Brak for­mu­la­rza kontaktowego.




We’re not try­ing to be cool but sadly the­re are only 68 seats in each cafe and they fill up quic­kly. If you want in, make a rese­rva­tion today.


